
by Sedelnikoff N.



Before going to the store, many people make a plan on paper purchases, and rightly so. After making a purchase, many people write down their costs, and also doing the right thing. We disclaim bills. Application "Shopper" offers a different approach - dictate by the plan of purchases in one click to make a purchase note, dictate the amount. And this is all! All your purchases into account! In the same way it is possible to take into account other costs - taxes, interest on loans, penalties, etc. You can then analyze all your expenses for any period of time and for any category. You will know exactly when and what to buy and how much spent. All you need to do is:1. Create a list of purchases and other costs;2. Buy and mark each purchase by click;3. Enter the amount of each to make a purchase;4. Analyze your expenses.After a couple of weeks of using the application, "Shopper" youll see a complete picture of your expenses. All a waste will be revealed and you go away feeling that money is spent like water through your fingers.The application can use voice input.Brief Instructions: